My work exists in a genre I term as ‘Sci-Fi Sufism’, which is about discovering galaxies and worlds within yourself. I try to visualize this search by fusing mysticism and storytelling. I make art objects in multiple mediums and I draw inspiration from Sufi poetry, South Asian folklore, Islamic mythology, Science Fiction, Architecture and Calligraphy.

My practice also investigates the the life of an ‘Insider Outsider’. I define this as the practice of achieving a sense of belonging while being out of place, finding happiness in a state of temporary permanence, and re-contextualizing existing historical and cultural narratives with the contemporary. 

I often collaborate with painters, architects, artisans, fashion designers, 3D modelers and fabricators to bring the art to life. Maybe because I come to art with a background in advertising, collaboration comes easily to me.

I studied advertising at the Academy of Art and later sculpture at the Art Students League of New York. I speak English, Urdu, Pashto and conversational Arabic. I’m a proud recipient of Cannes Lion Awards, D&AD Pencils, OneShow pencils and a United Nations Award for Peace & Understanding. My work has been featured in Artforum, The New York Times, BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, and Stephen Colbert.

“Insider Outsider #2”

Hand woven wool

5′ X 7′, Edition of 3

“The Great Refusal”

Wood and Rubber
